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I like my Hair how I like my Plants.

I like my Hair how I like my Plants.

Lately, I have become a crazy plant lady. It all started when I fell in love with a Monster I named Petunia. Since we met, we have had our ups and downs.

Image from Pinterest

We have experienced a lack of sun or/and too much exposure, cold environment problems due to A/C temperatures, etc. I have had to chop off many leaves born in the house (which breaks my heart), and the watering techniques have changed throughout our relationship. Petunia is doing much better; I can finally say after a year of hardships, she is finally thriving.

This new relationship got me thinking, I have struggled with my plant as much as I have struggled with my hair, and these two wild rides have taught me the only essential ingredients to life are love, patience, perseverance, and care.

 Image from Pinterest

Both our hairs and our plants have many things in common. They both are powerful but also very vulnerable. They are also gorgeous, but without the proper care, they can become withered. We all spend all our money and time searching for the perfect skincare routine, which do not get me wrong; it is indispensable, but what happens with our hair? I would argue hair is our most powerful accessory, yet so many of us do not give it enough value, care, and time.

 Image from Pinterest

 Like a plant, our hair absorbs nutrients through the roots (our scalp – which is skin and just like our facial skin, it needs love) and relies on healthy/ strong bases to thrive. Do you want healthy, beautiful, and abundant hair? Then, you need a healthy, clean, and debris-free scalp where it can grow like our plants on fertile soil.


Also, just like plants, our hair needs time and patience to grow, flourish, and regenerate. Be kind to your hair, make positive affirmations; they are proven to improve our moods and release stress, which will do wonders to our hairs, BELIEVE ME. Now, I will sound cliché, but do not forget to implement a balanced diet, take your vitamins, protect your hair from UV rays, and hydrate it as much as you can.

Image from Pinterest

Lastly, whenever you feel discouraged or impatient about your hair state, please take a look at a tree and think about how long it took for that tree to grow. The POWER is always in [YOU] R hair do not forget that.


Hair Essentials:

  • For Daily Use: Baby it’s a Hair Affair, serum. It will hydrate your hair, protect it against UV rays, control frizz, and stimulate your hair follicle. 
  • Weekly Use: Dear Sweet Hair, I Scream for You, intensive hair mask – An intensive hydration hair treatment to nourish your hair and scalp. Yes, you can use both products on your scalp.


With love,



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